
Dr. Rolf Lindemann
VP Products
Nok Nok
Dr. Rolf Lindemann works for Nok Nok as VP Products and brings more than 20 years of experience...

Giorgio Andreol
Director General
European Payments Council
Giorgio Andreoli is the Director General of the European Payments Council (EPC)...

Ana Climente
Head of Open Banking Spain

Martin Koderisch
Principal - Digital Innovation & Transformation Lead
Edgar, Dunn & Company
Martin Koderisch is a payments and fintech consultant with 20 years of experience in the industry...

Tony Craddock
Director General
The Payments Association
Enthusiastic leader of the world's most influential trade association in payments...

Gianpiero Alessandro
Managing Director
Dailypotential UG

John Erik Setsaas
Director of Innovation
Financial Crime Prevention
Tietoevry Banking
With over 25 years' experience in digital identity, John Erik Setsaas is a pioneer in this space.

Fre ddy Arthur
EMEA Fraud Strategy Leader
NICE Actimize
Freddy is the Fraud Strategy Leader for EMEA at NICE Actimize,

Matteo Risi
Senior Researcher
Digital Innovation Observatories
Politecnico di Milano

Dav id Hunter
Chairman of the board of Directors
The Payments Association
David is a payments industry veteran with a portfolio of investments, board advisory roles